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In the spring of 2020, the Bellevue Discovery Community created a multimodal early childhood experience to nurture and challenge our

highly capable preschoolers when we are

in the classroom and when we are learning online


The Connections Program at Bellevue Discovery follows our core values:  

  1. Foster a close relationship between our children and our caring, experienced teachers

  2. Focus on the strengths, needs and interests of our highly capable children

  3. Create an Inquiry Learning curriculum to challenge our preschoolers

  4. Support a strong parent-school community

"I am really happy with the Zoom Art Class!  I didn't realize how Miss Kasia takes the time to break down the elements of the pictures into smaller pieces that help the kids to follow along - I LOVE that! 

Thanks for all that you and the teachers have been doing to help the kids through this in a way

that feels as familiar and comfortable as possible."  

- Dragonflies Parent -

Bugs Week!

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Go on a bug scavenger hunt!

What imaginary bug will you design?

Make a bug out of play dough

Create fingerprint caterpillars and count the fingerprints - how big will your caterpillar be?

Drama Club:  Move like a bug

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Daily class sing-along

Click here to view a sample of our Connections 


"Bellevue Discovery has always had a special place in our hearts.  I wanted to take a moment and recognize all of the hard work the entire team is putting into getting a distance learning program in place."

- Dragonflies Parent -

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Daily small group connection

"When we tell the kind of support our child gets from the teachers  and school even during these times, all our friends are amazed. 

 I wish more parents could see the breakthrough this style of teaching is and the unique value Bellevue Discovery is providing to kids."

- Grasshoppers Parent -


Weekly Inquiry Challenge

What magical plant will you design?

Use Legos, recycled materials, or any

building or decorating materials to design and build your magical plant.  Use the writing frame to answer questions like, "What magical powers does your plant have?"  Your parents can send photos of your work to the teachers for our weekly Project Book!

My Magical Plant 

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"It sits beside

the river in the forest and makes really bright light

at night."

"Thanks for working through numerous challenges to get a great online program working.  She is loving the weekly inquiry projects, and we feel like we are doing better on these as a family because we are paying extra attention

to her learning in the current situation. Thanks for persevering and continuing to improve the program for our kids!

- Dragonflies Parent -

Multimodal Program

Moving between the classroom and online learning

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When we can't be together in the classroom, Bellevue Discovery offers: â€‹

  • Daily online class sing-alongs

  • Daily online small group activities

  • Daily at-home themed activities, curated and created by our teachers

  • Weekly Inquiry Learning challenges

  • Weekly Project Photo book, with pictures sent in by our families

  • Weekly parent discussion groups with our Early Childhood Specialists

  • Regular parent Q&As with our Head of School

  • Support with independent school applications and teacher references

  • Online parent coffees with the admissions directors from local independent gifted schools

  • Monthly Parent Education seminars about raising and educating young highly capable children

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